Here is an image that I have taken on his website: Give him your address and he'll give you his Paypal address to buy the book? Of course it sounds suspicious for some people, some don't think so. So for the ones that don't think so, let me enlighten you. This same individual had created a death threat in a Youtube video (now removed), and was threatening of not only me, but also his customers. Here was the dead link to that youtube video:
And here's a Google cache of the video shown in the slide just before it was removed:
What ever you do everyone, DO NOT BUY HIS PRODUCTS! He made these threats to me/his customers, and said that you shouldn't mess with anyone that has your address. Who knows what he would do to some of his customers, if not all of them. He could smuggle a bomb, anthrax, or anything else deadly to anyone that undermines him by simple means of looking of who and what bought his products!
If you are all wondering, yes, I have managed to download this before it was removed from Youtube and I can re-upload it to another account for you all to see.
And of course, I did make a video response for his video:
Okay, remember the last couple of posts that I made about one of his comics were bid and were bid for the first time in a week?
Well, I stumbled on something. I looked into a search for the past 15 days, yes 15 days of all of what he sold/hasn't been sold, and only 1 thing was bid on. Take a look!
Two bids! And the rest of them were still not sold! And recently, 3 or 4 of them were taken down from the Ebay sellers page section of his. What does that mean? That means he had lost indeed a HUGE profit because of these comics weren't sold! According to his site, his comic is worth $15 plus $5 of shipping. So, if you look at the comics that he didn't sale, that would range to about $240 plus $80 worth of shipping money if he would to actually need $15 for each comic, but he didn't! So, let's caculate how much each comic is worth on Ebay when he typed in the numbers. So, if it were to all be sold at that price shown above (exculding the 1st item), he would make $232.36 plus $60 shipping. Of course, none of them were sold and had lost a huge profit of not only selling the comics, but also printing them! So this is why most of his products are on a "Buy Now" option because he doesn't want to loose anymore profit! He sold 24 out of 41 of his comics. That's a little over half! So, I guess he won't be selling anymore of his traced comics anytime soon, unless he can dish out cash by working or using his profit money (which is unlikely to happen.)
When you click a link to his page, everything looks to be working and what not. But when you go through a search on Google, and go to click on the link, here is what it comes up for each of the different browsers:
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
So, 2/4 would be able to access it through a Google search, while the remaining 2/4 cannot. Of course, Internet Explorer and Opera isn't as popular and protective as Firefox or Google Chrome. So, there must be some kind of spyware on that site or something that would take private information from computers.
In his Ebay feedback page, there were two things that had caught my eye. See if you can notice anything weird about it. First, the date/time section. Someone had already recently bought one of his comics just today, so that means that no one had bid or bought one of his comics for about 10 days! Second, one of the feedbacks on the page says "It's good, even though some of the art was traced from other popular artists." As you seen throughout my blog entries, it's of course true.
Amusing. He had a few products up a day or so ago that was awaiting for a bid. 3 out of the 4 wasn't bid for! Now, check out today's sales: Of course, no one else bid on the 3 out of 4 and I know because I have recently checked! I did see who did bid on one of them and here's the final price! So basically, the comic is suppose to be worth $15 plus $5 shipping. Basically, he has to pay $13.70 for the comic, but all the E-thug will receive without the shipping money is $8.70, a $1.30 loss. Does a small amount make a difference? But of course! He is already complaining of how much he has to pay off for the colorized copies of the comics. Why else did he have a "Buy Now" option on most of his products? It's because he is indeed loosing more than you think! Basically, there were only two bidders for this product and that was it! It's mind blowing that they are the only two that are going for the bid for the lowest price listed on his Ebay and possibly the only product that doesn't have a "Buy Now" option! So, what does this mean for E-thug? Well, he'll probably do of two things. One, give up and just admit defeat or two, just keep on going, ignoring everyone that stands in his way and continue to be an ignorant little brat. We'll wait and see what happens. I think he still has a long way to go before he can ever sell another issue of a trace comic again.
Well, seems like E-thug has not got back to me yet, even though I had emailed through his Youtube, Ebay, and even Hot Mail. Is he dead or something? No. He is simply trying to ignore me because I know too much of what he's trying to do. Here's the image of the email that proves that I have sent it to him.
Now, about the comments that I had made in his video, he STILL hasn't replied back to them yet. So, he is scared to even talk to me, but is not scared to make a death threat to me and his loyal customers. What a coward.
On the side note, someone on F-chan had provided a comparision between this E-thug's tracing, Furry Bomb, and yes, even Sonic Dash's work. What an amazing discovery of how we can trace his work back to two different artists, but I think there could be more out there that he has been copying. I'm unable to contact the Furry Bomb artist, but surley I can contact Sonic Dash and have him liable to sue this E-thug for copyright infridgment. Here's the image to it.
As I had tried contacting him through Youtube and Ebay mail, he fails to even reply back to me. Then, I had left a comment 9 hours ago and yet he never replied back! BUT, he had logged a couple of times during that period of time and had recently logged in, and yet no answer!
So, the last thing to do is to contact him through his e-mail, but if that doesn't work, which I know it won't, then he is officially a bigger coward than I would of thought he would be.
I remembered seeing this video months ago, advertising the first Amy Untold comic that he had created. Around late March to Early April, he took a video down of his that had advertised for the comic. The video was uploaded on May 19th, 2008 at 2:26:30, which would be probably either in the morning or afternoon. The video had about at least 100 views in it. He used some kind of music called "Soft Return" that was playing in the video. I think he had at least 7-8 videos in his channel and had decided to take them all down, (excluding the 2009 ones.) Anyway, I have managed to take a screen shot of what the video description had said and of proof that it had once existed. The description reads: "Hi Everybody! It seems i forgot about the whole thing huh? :-) nnnope... The new plan is to make a big sexy booklet about Amy which kicks ass. This will contain Amy Untold 1 and 2, and a colored picture gallery of 21 full-page (some of them takes two pages each... they are biiig...) pics, from very soft to very the opposite of soft... Why the underwater theme on the video? Because that is the only picture soft enough to make a trailer of yepper! When I am ready, im gonna send it to the printery, so it'll be a freakin high quality stuff. The good thing for you, is that the printery cant do anything less than 50 copies, so i need 49 of you to afford my copy. The price is still unknown, they can only tell me that, when i can send them the .PDF of the whole booklet. But dont expect more than an average similar thing's price... i guess... So be the first to email me... or at least be in the 49 people, and your gonna get it... uh, the printed version of course. No, not free download here, sorry, you had the chance and you blew it, Guy on FChan, why the hell are you watching this? nobody pays attention to your opinion here, thanks. SO THE PRE-ORDER HERE MEANS "SUBSCRIBE THROUGH E-MAIL TO BE IN TEH LUCKY GROUP 49 PERSONS" GOOD LUCK!"
Interesting. Now, in the description, he said that there won't be a download for it, but if I can recall, I think another video had some kind of download link to it, but then it was later removed do to some "Fchan user." Amy Untold 1 and Amy Untold 2, in the early days, were basically two parts to the Amy Untold Finally comic, meaning that Amy Untold 1 was the first half, while Amy Untold 2 was part of the 2nd half, but in a poor quality. Of course, the Amy Untold 1 comic was spread across the net normally and had eventually died because of the poor quality it really was. I wonder why he changed his email for? Anyway, whoever the Fchaner that had said something to him is a mystery for me to even figure, but it must of made TC really mad. Fyi, I'm somewhat of an Fchaner so that probably would make him even more angry if he ever found that out.
There's the proof in his channel saying that he deleted all his videos. He makes some kind of excuse saying that they are too old, really outdated, caused a lot of confusion, and more unnecessary questionings for days. Well, if you read above of what you said, you probably know the real reason as if why he had done that. He didn't want word to get out of his first comic and of the videos advertising to it so he decided to remove them all. Because of this, no one would ever guess it about him advertising his almost non-existent comic back in 2008, except for the people who actually know him well. Someone that I know well had made a comment about this since he knows TC very well in the Fchan days.
"The uncensored pictures were already posted in his page. He replaced them for censored pictures when he discovered they were on here. The Creator is a guy who started the ''Amy Untold'' series back in 2008, with a handdrawn comic, with edits in art apps.It got distributed in low res for free, the hi-res needed some payment, because this guy wanted donations. As his infamy arose due to a fight with FCHAN and reviews saying that the comic was horrible,he started a new project, which is the comic he is selling now. It got a redesign from the very first book, and some colored works and the second part of the first comic. All in an almost-70 page book. This time he's asking money for it.But since the first comic, he traced things off Furry Bomb. Some poses are completely identical, and in the new book you can see my with the same aroused face, because it's tracing too. What he's doing is two wrong things. One is tracing, he needs to do that, if you see his first comic, he sucks at drawing,with many problems in proportions and anatomy."
With that said and done, I will be providing links and info of his first comic in my next video. That way, you can see the comparison of the two comics and see how he was trying to cover it all up to begin with. One more thing, the title of his video "Amy UNTOLD will return soon?!" simply means that it did return, except he combined the 1st two crappy versions of Amy Untold and added more traced work into it. Also, the video I created looks almost identical with his old one that he had taken down a couple months ago.
After thinking about it, I didn't want the buyers on Ebay to find out that they are stuck with a product that has no money back guarantee, no information if this individual wouldn't be checking his Ebay comments, and having no information of where to contact him to, unless they can magically figure out his Youtube account and find his email address. Could that be illegal? Sounds like it to me since you have no contact with the person except with the money transaction and product shipment. Anyway, I contacted Ebay about this miss-hap of this user name known as "baloghzoli" Here is his Ebay page.
And here is what I wrote to Ebay:
"Hello there. A user name of baloghzoli had stated in a Youtube video that he refuses any messages asked to his Ebay account, even if it is about his product. He wants us to instead contact him through email, but there is no email of his to be found on the Ebay site, but only on the Youtube site, which isn't linked to the Ebay. How would buyers on Ebay be able to contact him for questions or comments if they don't have his email listed anyway on this baloghzoli account? I mean, since there is a no return policy and no way to contact him on Ebay, then how on Earth would they be able to contact him without an email address listed no where on the site? I tried contacting him on both his email and Ebay account, but he refuses to answer my questions or comments on his product. Thank you for listening to my concerns as well as the buyers for this product. Listed below is the video proof of him saying this." And the proof that I have been sending him Ebay messages, as well as Youtube messages, here's a couple of the snapshots that I have recently took:
I can see why he is loosing money for the fact being that no one can contact him on his Ebay account, and has no clue of how they would be able to contact him by email or even find his Youtube account! Pure stupidity I guess.
I haven't gotten any word from this person, only for the fact of a cold shoulder. He recently made some video of an Ebay user name that I had created. The only reason why I have created that user name is because he refuses to answer my Youtube mail, so by going into Ebay and contacting him from there, it would most likely to work, but it didn't. I have sent him a few messages on Ebay 2 days ago and he refuses to answer the questions about his book. I guess he has a guilty conscience. In his newest video, he just shows that I have created a username on Ebay. So he does know that I exist on there, but refuses to reply back to my Ebay messages. Talk about being a coward. Anyway, in his annotation of his video, he made an odd statement:
Why would be laughing if I asked him legitimate questions about his products on Ebay? Why would I give out my real name to someone that had threaten to not only kill me, but of his customers as well. Not to mention that he is holding their addresses accountable as stated in his first video or so it seems. Then, he says "Whats next? You're gonna order me 10 pizzas which I didn't really want?" This is Ebay sir, not the online pizza hut order. Next time think before you type.
Of course he states that he can only be contacted through his email address, but what if the users on Ebay doesn't know his email address and want to contact him on Ebay about his product? That seems a little sketchy if you ask me. I mean, would you buy a product from someone from Ebay if you don't know their email address and thought it would be better to contact them on Ebay since they are selling it on Ebay? Also, if he said that he can only be contacted onto Youtube and his email, then why didn't he reply back to me at all? Is it because he knows that it's me or is it the fact that he doesn't want to be asked tough questions that could create a lot of trouble? You be the judge. One more thing, he is lying about being only on Youtube since he made that promotional gallery, with the website url smacked onto the description.
Welcome to my blog everyone! Here at the Amy Untold blog, I will show you many, many things about the person who had created this comic, as well as what he has in store for future plans. You can find more info at