Earlier today, someone had given me E-thug's current Paypal account name. He promised not to tell anyone who he was or where he lives for that matter. I asked him if he gave him his address, he replied yes to me. So, I emailed him back and told him not to take any unusual packaging from anyone from Hungary in fear of being a bomb or anthrax since he made a threat to his customers. I also asked him if he could forward me the email and he says yes, but in one condition that no one is to ever find out who or where he lives listed in the messages. As promised, I won't be giving the name out of this individual or address, and will proceed of telling you what his new Paypal account user name is, as well as showing you the email that was forward to me. The new Paypal user name is:
Message to E-thug

Reply from E-thug:

So wait a minute, if the cost of shipping to America is $6, then why is his Ebay site say it's $4 for shipping?

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