Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Evidence On The Rise From Dramachan And More

Seems like things are getting worse and worse for supporters of Apostle. Apparently, some users on Dramachan agrees that Apostle is tracing. So they came up with some photo comparisons for even more amusing evidence.

You know, this is exactly how E-Thug does his tracings. He traces and then modifies them slightly so that no one would seem to catch on. Problem is that its obvious and he's not fooling no one.

In other news, there were some things posted on the site that seems to be getting way out of hand.

Apparently, they are now trying to post pictures of this individual assuming that I'm him. So by trying damaging one's life by posting a picture of a person that isn't me is going to accomplish anything? Dumb asses. That's why idiots like these trolls shouldn't breed.


  1. Damn dirty tracer. I lost all respect for Apostle.

  2. Both of those are Apostle pics...unsure how he traces his own work...
